Arts-based Learning von Soft Skills

im Projektmanagement von Veranstaltungen

Arts-based Learning of Soft SkilLS
in Project management and Event Management (AL-Pro)

Soft skills in event management are, for example, creativity, assertiveness, learning ability or empathy.

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The demands placed on project managers are increasing. In addition to technical and methodological skills, methods such as agile project management increasingly require social and personal skills such as communicativeness, flexibility and assertiveness.

Performing artists are familiar with the forms and conditions of self-directed project work under uncertain conditions. Arts-based learning simulates artistic work processes in order to use them for the personal development of people in non-arts fields.


Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts AL-Pro ist in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Within the framework of the AL-Pro research project, a well-founded competence model has been developed in close cooperation with the practice partners, which is based on concrete behavioural expectations of project managers. AL-Pro was able to prove that an art-based training of soft skills is an alternative to classical further training offers for project managers.